Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Recently , we have heard so much  about this term “acarid”.It has become a phobia for many people in Türkiye in such a short time.What is an acarid?Why are people afraid of it so much?Let’s have a look! The acarid is an insect that becomes very harmful when it sticks to the skin of a person.Some kinds of it is venomous and some is not.But even the pain when this insect is taken out from tke sticked part of the skin gives a big trouble.Poisonous ones usually make people die but the other ones are not such hazardous and can be treated with minor aids.Neverthless, no matter what kind it is, it should be cured in hospitals as personal aid can be risky. In conclusion, when we think all that,I can say that the acarids shouldn’t be ignored despite their size.However, they also shouldn’t make you so terrified.All to do is always taking into consideration the possibility of the acarids especially in forestry areas and taking precaution for these small livings.


The revival of the Turks from the ashes of the Ottomans that was about to extinguish is unique in the world.This resurrection started with the leadership of Atatürk.On 23th April,1920 a new parliament opened in order to represent the nation.By means of this, the Turks got the management of the country.Meanwhile, the Ottomans were trying to sign the Sevr Agreement,which means defeat.However, the people were very fond of the freedom and also were determined not to live mandated.They struggled so hard and so much although nobody believed such weak and poor forces would be able to get the war.Many people died from the children to the olds.But they won the Liberation War.After that victory,on 1st November,1922 the Absolutism was abolished.Therefore, sovereignty of the nation gained pace.On 29th October 1923,the Rebublic was publicized and Atatürk was selected as the president of the parliament.With the abolisition of Caliphate on 3 March 1924, secularization process began.Moreover, many innovations in the field of politic, social, education, judicial system, economy were made for modern Türkiye.As you see, just with the love of freedom in their heart, a nation that was about to disappear from the stage of history soon heroized.


Having been cradle for many civilization throughout the history, Türkiye has such features that one who has visited Türkiye just for one time must obviously admire every centimeter of her.Every region in Türkiye has its own peculiarity.For instance, when you visit Black Sea Region, you will see the people with long nose vigorously performing a traditional dance called “horon” on greenery.In Marmara Region, especially in İstanbul, you’ll feel just like on a history stage.The ruins of Byzantine Empire and other historical places will surely take you to yesterdays.What is more, having a visit to Aegean and Mediterranean Regions will enable you to combine your enjoyment with the sea, beaches and the sun. Mediterranean Region is also known as the region of the lakes.Central Anatolia and Southeastern Anatolia are so different from all.There, you’ll enjoy the life in a village.Animals, vast plateaus and lowlands…High mountains of Eastern Anatolia Region covered with snow lasting almost six months offer the opportunity for winter sports.All in all, a fascinating excitement and a relaxing vacation are waiting for you in Türkiye.


For thousands of years people have associated objects in the sky and aspects of their physical world with the gods and goddesses of their cultures. And the word mythology comes from a body of legends to which some people may believe. There are gods and goddesses in mythology such as; Apollo, Callisto, Artemis, Gaea, Galatea, Zeus, Poseidion and so on…Apollo –for example- was the god of sun. He was known as the god who could foretell the future. He was also a musician and a healer. Zeus was the kig of earth and heaven and other gods. He was also know for his being god of justice. Myths are not the same as fables or legends but the concepts may suite. All in all in general, 20th century theories see myth as an outdated part of science and even as nothing.


           The most social activity people do nowadays, the best solution to the problem of boredom and one of the most entertaining things to do in your free time.,,What is this? Don’t you really know? Of course, shopping! It is such an activity  that many people, from olds to youngs, women to men, cannot get rid of it after they get involved in i as it makes addiction. However, women are the most active of this group.For example, women who aren’ t working think shopping is their only entertainment.Due to this, after their children and husband go away from home, they make for the shopping centres.Besides, when they break from their darling or have trouble with them, many women prefer shopping and buying many things such as make-up sets and clotings although they don’t use most of them.Namely, in general women do shopping as a way of relaxing. Men are so different from the women.They don’t think shopping is an amusement but think it is just a need.They go and buy what they need in a short time without thinking much contrary to what women do.But when they have a shopping with the women who are so curious and want to enter every shop they see, they get bored from waiting and so always complain about the situation.Consequently, man usually prefer shopping alone. As the creation of the men and women is different from each other, so are their preferences.But we must admit the fact that women or men we all love shopping and we should think that it is the best remedy for everything and everyone.

Men in Future

   How would life  be in the future? How would the future’s people be? Such questions are really absurd when we think about the future, in other words the real question to be asked should be that-would it be possible to live in the future? Now, the humanity is at such a place that it is not possible to see the future. Global warming, air pollution, fatal diseases…These problems don’t seem to be solved at all.Consequently, in near future it is predicted that the population of the world will decrease at the rate of % 50. However, if it were to be possible to live, let’s think about how people would be.Firstly, many would live just to live not for the moral values.Moreover, many more would work only to stay alive .Namely, the answer of the question that-would robots take  the place of the human in near future- is in fact that.People would already be just like robots.  All in all, the answer to all questions is obvious.It is not certain that we will live in the future.Even if so, do you really think we can define them as ‘people’ ?


At the moment a baby opens her eyes to the world, s/he begins to live in a society.Until a certain age, s/he learns many things such as ethics from her family that is the core of the society.In addition to this home-made education, at the age of seven, formal education is added.Namely, after we are born to the world, the individualization process commences.As the time passes, we become a member of the community with our education and personality.What is more, we represent the whole people of our country in many ways.Education we take,formal and informal, ,in fact mirrors us in other words the society.For instance, in a country where education is ignored, the community is mostly illiterate and gives no importance to it.Because of this, such country takes its place among the underdeveloped countries in many respects.Consequently,for the babies to be born and for his/her future, education is a must which shapes and guides his/her life.


One more double burger with extra cola and potato chips, please! We are hearing such sentences much more today.In the world of fast food, this is not surprising at all.Even if we don’t want,because of the bussiness routine we are obliged to eat some fast food everyday.As many women in addition to men are in bussiness world, the easiest way of cooking is that..However, it is not as it seems.Such cookings causes many health problems, the head of which is obesity. Obesity is not only the foremost problem today, but the biggest cause of many illnesses, as well.Among  them are heart attacks, shortness of breath and problems of vessel.Neverthless, we are not late to stop this killer circle.All to do is to be more conscious and aware of the risks and have a healty diet.

Alexander Mikhaylovich Ovechkin

Alexander Mikhaylovich Ovechkin  is a 23 years old Russian ice hockey left wing player. He plays for "Washington Capitals Team" in National Hockey League "NHL".  In January 2008 , he signed a 13-years contract extension which worths 124 million dollars with the Capitals (the most expensive contract in NHL history). He lives in Arlington, Virginia. Alexander Ovechkin is the son of Mikhail Ovechkin, who was a professional football player, and Tatyana Ovechkina, who won two gold medals in while playing for the Soviet women's national basketball team in the 1976 Summer Olympics at Montreal and in 1980 at Moscow.


 Backgammon is a two player game which is played on a special platform consists of 15 black and 15 white stone. It is created by  vizier of Nevşiyan Büzur Mehir in ten days. In the game the mutual 6 places sybols 12 months , 15 white and 15 black stones symbols 15 days and 15 nights , and the mutual 12 places symbols 24 hours of a day. As there is 4500 posibilities of move the game requires great proffessionality and the dice shows it is alsa depends on players' chances.  Blackgammon is played around the whole world , especially in its hometown middle-east.

There are also names for dice combinations:
1-1: Hep Yek Dü Yek;
2-2:  Bara;
2-1: İki bir (dü yek);
3-3: Dü Se;
3-2: Seba -i Dü;
3-1: Se Yek;
4-4: Dört Cehar ("Caar" gibi de okunur);
4-3: [Cehar] -ü Se;
4-2: Cehar -i Dü;
4-1: Cehar -ı Yek;
5-5: Dü Beş;
5-4: Beş Dört(penc-i caar);
5-3: Penc -ü Se; ..... SEVERLER GÜZELİ GENCÜSE :D
5-2: Penc i Dü;
5-1: Penc -ü Yek;
6-6: Dü Şeş;
6-5: Şeş Beş;
6-4: Şeş Cehar;
6-3: Şeş -ü Se;
6-2: Şeş -i Dü;
6-1: Şeş -ü Yek;


 For this entry , I'd like to give you recipe of "Spinach Food" which I've just eaten :) . It's a delicious and healthy vegetable food. 

*Half kg spinach
*A tea glass of olive oil
*2 spoons of rice
*1 onion
*1 spoon of tomato paste
*2-3 pieces of garlic

Chop the spinach to little pieces and wash them. Start heating saucepan after put oil in. Chop the onion and cook it until it gets pinky. When it has gotten pinky put the spanish and tomato paste. Start mixing up it and put some salt while you mixing. Now close the saucepan's top. When the spinach shrinks put the rice in it and let it be cooked on dimmer fire for some time. Taste it periodically after five minutes and serve when its ready. Bone apetit :D...