Wednesday, January 14, 2009


 For this entry , I'd like to give you recipe of "Spinach Food" which I've just eaten :) . It's a delicious and healthy vegetable food. 

*Half kg spinach
*A tea glass of olive oil
*2 spoons of rice
*1 onion
*1 spoon of tomato paste
*2-3 pieces of garlic

Chop the spinach to little pieces and wash them. Start heating saucepan after put oil in. Chop the onion and cook it until it gets pinky. When it has gotten pinky put the spanish and tomato paste. Start mixing up it and put some salt while you mixing. Now close the saucepan's top. When the spinach shrinks put the rice in it and let it be cooked on dimmer fire for some time. Taste it periodically after five minutes and serve when its ready. Bone apetit :D...

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